Saturday, March 23, 2013

We learn about Krewella. Learning is fun? Atlantic City day 1

We are not gamblers, drinkers or partiers, but we are eaters, people watchers and sitting by a pool reading bookers, so when we saw that Harrah’s in Atlantic City was offering weeknight rooms for $28.00 a night we figured some R and R was in order.
We arrived at the hotel on Wednesday evening and had just enough time to check in and explore our digs before heading out to dinner.  When we checked in, they upgraded us to a room that overlooked the dome and looked out onto the boardwalk skyline.

                                      The shower was our favorite part of the room. It was fantastic!

We are pretty sure that the upgrade was their way of showing us mercy as the hotel was filled with college spring breakers.  The section of the hotel that they put us in must have been reserved for all of the mature adults as it remained relaxed and quiet.
From Harrah’s we hopped on the Jitney and made our way to The Melting Pot.  For those of you not familiar, the Jitney operates lots of little buses that for $2.25 one way will take you where you need to go around Atlantic City.  Parking in A.C. can be expensive so the Jitney is a convenient (as well as interesting) and economical way to travel.  Our entertainment book had a deal in it for The Melting Pot and who can pass up melty cheese?  Being a Wednesday night, it was almost empty. We were offered a booth that was inside its own little room.  It was quite cozy and romantic.

We love eating at places that offer lingering meals.  The sort where you don’t have to rush and stuff food in your gullet so that you can be pushed out for the next guests so the Melting Pot is our kind of place.  It gave us the ability to savor our meal while having unhurried quality time together.  Our deal included the full four course meal.  If you haven’t been to The Melting Pot, it is a fondue restaurant.  The first course was cheese fondue (we picked Swiss), then we had salad, and next came the entrée which included two kinds of beef, chicken, shrimp and ravioli that we got to cook ourselves in broth. 
The best part of the evening is the dessert; a bowl of melted chocolate (we picked dark) that we dipped an assortment of deliciousness into.  We each placed our dessert items in order of importance wanting to save the best for last.  Although both of our orders varied we both saved the Oreo covered marshmallow as our last bite.  The food at The Melting Pot is good though not fabulous (I think the one in Philly is better) what you are really paying for is the experience.

With our cozy booth and lazy meal behind us, we decided to take a little walk.  The nice part about A.C. is that it is possible to walk around mostly indoors as many of the hotel/casinos are interconnected avoiding the windy winter chill.

 One of our favorite stores, Sugar, which is a giant candy store on Cesar’s Pier, was close by so we stopped in for a visit.  One of the great things about being a grown-up is that if you want a big bag of candy (in our case a variety of sour gummies) you don’t have to ask anyone’s permission.  There will be no one to tell you that it is not good for you or that you will rot your teeth; hooray for being grown-ups!

  By the time we finished making our candy purchase most of the stores were closing up signaling that it was time for us to head back to Harrah’s.  While on the Jitney we noticed that quite a few passengers were young folk heading to Harrah’s as well.
 It seems that Wednesday evening is “Wet ‘n’ Wild Wednesday.”  This is when The Pool at Harrah’s is turned into a night club and on the night we were there Krewella was making an appearance.  We had to rock a wiki on exactly who KrewEela was; a music group made up of three individuals who perform electronic dance and dub step music.  The kids were all a flutter over Krewella.  When we arrived back at Harrah’s we found ourselves mixed in with a bevy of spring breakers out for a night of fun and frolic at the pool turned club.  There is a food court directly across from the pool with a counter that has seats that seem as if they were made for people watching.  We sat down in two of the chairs, pulled out our bag of candy and enjoyed some free entertainment.
It was like watching a bizarro Easter parade.  I own shirts that were longer than most of the girls’ dresses and some of the girls had little more than a bra and a short spandex tight skirt on; their footwear looked down right barbaric.  Most of the guys moseyed into the club wearing either a t-shirt or a button up shirt and jeans.  I couldn’t help wondering if the girls noticed the injustice.  I tried to get photos but surprisingly despite the sadistic shoes those kids were speeding by with cheetah like speed.  I gave one girl a pass for her outfit.  She was wearing a rainbow tube top and a skirt that had a fox tail attached.  She also wore fox ears and giant fuzzy orange boots that made her look as though she got lost on the way to an anime convention.  It was an awesome outfit.  My favorite t-shirt of the evening had a golden snitch on it and read “Snitches be crazy,” that gave us a chuckle.  A second runner- up stated “Bacon is sexy.”  We would have loved to have been witness to the disarray at the end of the night of revelry, but alas we are old (KrewElla didn’t even go on until around 1:30am or so the kids said) so we retired back to our chambers at 11:30pm.
When the zombie
apocalypse finally happens I'm pretty sure this guy from the Wild West Casino will be their zombie leader

1 comment:

  1. i love the food at the melting pot, but i don't like that i have to pay to cook my own food. there should be some kind of price break for that. i mean, now they don't have to hire chefs, right?
